Despite the widespread misconceptions surrounding early childhood education, the benefits it brings to children and their families are undeniable. In fact, the evidence shows that children who participate in early childhood education are more likely to be happy and healthy, have higher self-esteem, and are less likely to experience mental health problems later in life. You can choose a public or private nursery in Glasgow for your child.

Evidence For Early Childhood

Throughout the last two decades, evidence has played an important role in making substantial policy changes in early childhood education and care (ECEC). This has included improving the quality of ECEC for all children, as well as expanding the affordability of childcare for all families.

This has included free part-time ECEC places for every child from three years old until they start school, and an extension of this scheme to two-year-olds. There has also been an increase in the number of early childhood education and care centres, and a greater emphasis on parental engagement in ECEC.


During the last twenty years, the early childhood education and care sector has experienced a number of interventions from governments, both domestic and international. This has included restructuring of institutions, funding for quality ECE provision and professionalisation of the workforce. In addition, governments have been instrumental in intervening in governance structures.

One of the most important policy developments has been the development of accountability mechanisms. These mechanisms are designed to ensure that early childhood services are educationally and economically effective. These mechanisms have been a key driver of workplace reform.

Inequality Of Access

Almost one third of children aged two and three who are eligible for funded early childhood places are not taking up their places. This highlights the need for governments to address inequalities in education. There are also large gaps between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers at the beginning of school. These gaps are particularly significant for Black and minority students. These children are also more likely to lack access to internet or other learning devices in the fall and spring.

Foucauldian Analysis

Neo-liberal curricula argue that young children should build human capital. They also naturalize antagonism. The ‘undesired’ child subject is depicted as responding in undesirable ways to environmental cues. Unlike the traditional classroom, these environments are not merely places where teachers educate. They are also meant to function as a mediator between the governed subject and the state.

In the UK, the government has become increasingly interested in early childhood education. Formal early childhood education is an institution that has developed relatively recently. It is a relatively modern institution, and its values have shaped the social field. Early childhood educators routinely address issues of injustice, exclusion and inequity.




History is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life. It is an essential part of all our lives, which is why most students throughout the history can relate to various parts of history, from Caesar to Columbus, from Churchill to Vietnam. The best way to study history is by choosing electives from a wide variety of courses, such as social studies, history of arts, and history of education.

The Study Of History

History is the systematic study of history through the interconnectivity of people and institutions over time. One of the fundamental methods used in studying history is distillation. This is usually done by historians who apply various methods and techniques in order to discern the most significant events and those that shaped certain historical periods. There are basically seven stages in a learning history curriculum. Each one has its particular chapter in the Field Manual on history education.

Learning by video is one of the methods often employed in teaching history. Educational videos from the First World War to the present day are available, along with classroom lectures and discussions. History teachers can introduce students to some interesting facts that are relevant for their learning process. The availability of educational videos allows them to add visual aids in teaching their students about various topics.

History lessons in schools are usually divided into two main types, namely topical and organizational learning. Time-tables are used for topical learning in history classes, while the content is related to the historical experiences of the teacher. Topical learning is usually accompanied by reading, so that the students are exposed to primary sources. Organizationally, lesson plans, tasks, research questions, and lesson days are part of the structured nature of organizational learning in the classroom.

Older Learning Techniques And Methods

The use of textbooks and reference materials in the classroom is discouraged because it makes the process of learning history more time consuming, as well as difficult. In a better conversation, all the facts should be made available, in order to facilitate an active and well-informed understanding of the subject. For better conversation, the teacher must be able to answer questions based on verifiable sources, so that the entire learning history process will be more comprehensive.

History can benefit from the use of many resources and tools. Educational websites can help teachers gain an overall understanding of the learning history of the past. Official websites and Wikipedia have a wide range of articles on learning history, making it easier to learn the basic concepts of this time period. These and other tools can contribute greatly in the teaching of history and can be utilized as a foundation for building better classroom discussions.


What we conclude from the information that we have gathered and discussed is that clearly that there are a variety of learning and teaching methods that can be employed and used in order to ensure that history is taught through educational channels. The use of digital media in order to reinforce peoples knowledge about these issues has been highly effective and appealing.